Glitch Wallpaper

Dynamism is mixed with the floral theme, resulting in a paper in which movement is at the same time narrative space. Glitch is the murals paper that ennobles “error,” making it an appealing and contemporary graphic sign. To the over-scaled composition of natural elements is added a non-regular gradient in which several levels of reading coexist: the flowers, the displacement of the lines and the movement of color. So many levels of reading for a paper that is pure wall graphic dynamism.

Expected shipping in 8 working days.

Glitch Wallpaper

Dynamism is mixed with the floral theme, resulting in a paper in which movement is at the same time narrative space. Glitch is the murals paper that ennobles “error,” making it an appealing and contemporary graphic sign. To the over-scaled composition of natural elements is added a non-regular gradient in which several levels of reading coexist: the flowers, the displacement of the lines and the movement of color. So many levels of reading for a paper that is pure wall graphic dynamism.

Expected shipping in 8 working days.


Technical Details


From Nature



Kind, Murals, Textile Murals, Wet Murals

Country of Origin





Indoor / Outdoor

Material / Products




Price Range

$51 – $100

Stock Availability

Ready to Ship

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